Southwest Area Park Flying (SWAPRC)

Southwest Area Park Remote Control Flying


SWAP Modelers is a chartered club of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA), a recreational and educational organization under the Baltimore Highlands Recreation Council.  We are an organization of enthusiastic individuals dedicated to promoting the development of radio controlled (RC) modeling as a recreational, sporting and educational activity.  It is also our goal to encourage brotherhood among the present and future members of the club and community, and to aid the programs of the Baltimore Highlands Recreation Council and the AMA.  We, the members of SWAP Modelers, would like to extend an invitation to you to visit us at our flying field in the Southwest Area Park.

Flight Training

Novice RC fliers can learn from our experts.  Art Vail, our acting flight training coordinator, can connect you with available instructors.  Flight ground school basics & individual proficiency forms are just a click away.